Distinguished Visitor Program
The Department welcomes applications to its Distinguished Visitors Program. We seek fellow scientists who will collaborate with our faculty, inspire our students, and share our fundamental values of integrity, openness, collegiality, respect, and broader participation.
Candidates should plan to visit for at least one month but visits of three months or more will be given priority.
They will give a Department Colloquium suitable for the diverse disciplines that we represent, and a more specialized seminar that allows us to benefit from their expertise. They will meet with our graduate students and junior researchers for a catered lunch organized by the Department, and they will be encouraged to interact with members of the department in venues including the state-of-the-art Fred Dunnebier Collaboratorium.
Distinguished Visitors will receive an honorarium of up to $5,000 (depending on duration of visit) and will be hosted in our fully-equipped visitor’s office in the Pacific Ocean Science and Technology building overlooking the University campus and Manoa valley. They will receive a customized coffee/tea mug which we encourage and expect to be filled at many enjoyable discussions with colleagues and students.
Distinguished Visitors must be hosted by a member of our regular faculty, and we strongly encourage prospective applicants to discuss the particulars of a visit with their host before applying. They should complete the application form at least 5 months before the expected date of arrival, providing host, start date, duration, degree of flexibility of the dates, a short description of research to be conducted, and a preliminary topic for the Department Colloquium. The form must be signed by the prospective host and submitted with a CV to: earth-dept@soest.hawaii.edu
The Pacific Ocean Science and Technology Building, home of the Dept. of Earth Sciences
Distinguished Visitor Office
Next Door: The Fred Dunnebier Collaboratorium