Hualalai Volcano

Puu Waawaa trachyte pumice cone on Hualalai (photo by Scott Rowland)
(Much of the information in this document was derived from Moore et al.,
(1987) Hualalai Volcano: A preliminary summary of Geologic, Petrologic, and
Geophysical data, In: Volcanism in Hawaii, USGS Professional Paper 1350,
pages 571-585)
Two views of the Hualalai summit region from the air showing small craters and a collapsed lava tube.
Mauna Kea is in the distance (photos by Ken Rubin, flying by Jack Lockwood, breathing
exercises by Zinzuni Jurado Chichay)
General Info
Haulalai is a shield volcano located on the Big Island of Hawaii (19.69 N, 155.87 W).
The summit of Hualalai rises to 2523m (8271ft) above sea level.
The volcano is the westernmost of the 5 major Big Island volcanoes. It has a
well-developed Northwest rift zone, a moderately well-developed South- |
Southeast rift zone, and a poorly developed North rift zone. The
most recent eruption of 1800-1801 occurred along the Northwest rift zone.
Eruptive History
Haulalai has completed its main Tholeiitic Shield Stage, during which normal and picritic tholeiitic
basalts were erupted. These lavas are no longer exposed on the subaerial
surface but have been dredged from submarine portions of the northwest
rift zone. Presently, the volcano is mantled by alkalic lavas erupted
during the post-shield stage of volcanism (mostly alkali olivine basalts
but rare occurrences of Trachyte are also present).
The last historical eruption at Hualalai ended in 1801. It is considered to be
the third most active volcano in Hawaii, after Mauna Loa and Kilauea
The 1800-1801 eruption
Click on the image to view full-scale
This eruption produced very fluid, high velocity
lava flows that entered the ocean off western Hawaii. Overall, 5 vents
issued alkalic basalt lavas, with 2 of these vents producing flows that
reached the sea. The total volume of erupted lava has been estimated as
>300 million m³. This eruption brought abundant xenoliths (xeno =
foreign; lith = rock) up from the mantle source that originally
produced the lava (see below). The highest elevation vent produced an
enormous aa flow (the Kaupulehu flow) that entered the ocean as 2
discrete lobes. One of these lobes destroyed a Hawaiian village in its path.
This eruption at Hualalai is believed to be
concurrent with an eruption at neighboring Mauna Loa volcano. Additionally,
Hualalai has been essentially simultaneously active with both Mauna
Loa and Kilauea in the not so distant past (note: although, we do not in fact know
if any eruptions occured simulataneously, we do know that these three
volcanoes have been active during much of the last 100 to 200 thousand years).
In the image to the left, the two main lobes of the 1800-1801 eruption are displayed (Kaupulehu in orange, Huehue in red). Also
shown (in brown) are the 100000 year old trachytes of Puu Waawaa), the
1859 lava flow from nearby Mauna Loa (in grey),
and the Kahaluu water shaft (marked by an X""), where Hualalai generated
tholeiitic basalts are found only 75 feet below the surface. The surface of
Hualalai is entirely composed of post-shield alkalic basalts.
Hualalai is well-known in Hawaii as a good source for
mantle xenoliths. The A.D. 1800 Kaupulehu flow on Hualalai volcano contains
abundant coarse-grained xenoliths of exceptional size and quantity,
and many prehistoric vent deposits and flows of this volcano
also contain abundant xenoliths. A xenolith from the 1800-1801
flow is shown below.
These pictures show an example of an olivine-clinopyroxene
bearing mantle xenolith from the 1800-1801 lava flow of Hualalai. A thin coating of
host lava mantles the rock (image on right is about 15 cm wide)
Volcanic Hazards and Monitoring
Although it has been 200
hundred years since the last eruption of Hualalai, it will almost certainly erupt
again. Lava flows by far pose the greatest danger in a potential future eruption
of Hualalai, because although explosive pyroclastic eruptions have occurred
during Holocene times (the past 10,000 years), they are relatively rare and
they cover only limited parts of the volcano. The alkalic eruptions at Hualalai
have been generally much less explosive than those at neighboring Kohala
and Mauna Kea volcanoes. There has been no recently-detected
magma-related seismicity or ground deformation at Hualalai, making it
difficult to say if and when the next eruption might occur.
Hualalai still presents a volcanic hazard as it is near populated areas. For
instance, its summit is only 15km away from the town of Kailua-Kona and a
flow as voluminous as the 1800 eruption could cover that
distance in a few hours.
The eruptive recurrence interval of Hualalai for all of Holocene time is on
the order of 50 years (about 200 eruptions in 10,000 years). However,
mapping and 14C dating studies have indicated that
eruptions have occurred in clusters (groups of several eruptions over
a few hundred years), separated by several centuries of inactivity.
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO)
has maintained a seismic station
located 3 km east of Hualalai's summit since 1971, which is used to monitor
the volcano for signs of activity. During this period, no microearthquake swarms
or harmonic tremors (both indicative of magma migration) have been recorded,
although each year Hualalai experiences several magnitude 4 earthquakes.
These earthquakes are usually from a deep source off the coast of the
Northwest rift zone (HVO unpublished data). This seismicity is apparently
not related to movement of magma. However, in 1929 an intense swarm of
earthquakes struck Hualalai for a period of a month, which has been interpreted
as being due to a magma intrusion to near the surface, without a
surface eruption.
For additional information about Hualalai volcano, visit the
USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
This page created by and maintained by Ken Rubin ©,
Assisted by Brandon Doo, under the auspices of the Kailua High School
Community Quest work experience program
Other credits for this web site.