General Education Courses Required By Both Tracks: UH Mānoa requires the following to graduate: FW, FQ, 2xFG, DB, DP, DY, 2xDS, 2 out of DH, DL, or DA, H-focus, O-focus, E focus, and 5 W-focus courses. Required courses for the EES will provide DP, DY, O-focus, E-focus, and 1 or 2 W-focus courses. Required courses for the ESE track will provide DP, DB, DY, 2xDS, O-focus, E-focus and 1 or 2 W-focus courses. Science electives will account for 1 or 2 additional W-focus courses. Recommended courses to satisfy other GenEd requirements include: ERTH 135 and OCN 105 (FG), OCN 102 (DB), HWST 107 (DH, H-focus)
Environmental Earth Science (EES) General Track
STEM Support Courses (23-24 credits):
- Calculus 1 (MATH 241 or 251)
- General Chemistry 1 and 2 (CHEM 161, 162 + labs)
- Physics 1 and 2 (PHYS 151, 152 + labs)
- Biology, satisfies DB (BE 120, BIOC 441, BIOL 171, BOT 101, MICRO 130, NREM 201, NREM 251, OEST 103, OCN 102, ZOOL 101, or ZOOL 200) /li>
Earth Science Education (ESE) Track
STEM Support Courses (25 credits):
- Calculus 1 (MATH 241 or 251)
- General Chemistry 1 and 2 (CHEM 161, 162 + labs)
- Physics 1 and 2 (PHYS 151, 152 + labs)
- Biology 1 and 2, satisfies DB (BIOL 171, 172 + labs) /li>
Required Core Courses (37-38 credits):
- OEST 100 The College Experience (1)
- ERTH 101 Dynamic Earth (3), or ERTH 102/SUST 113 Introduction to Global Change (3), or 103 Geology of the Hawaiian Islands (3), or ERTH104 Volcanoes in the Sea (3), or ERTH 106 Humans and the Environment (3), or ERTH130 Geologic Hazards(4)
- ERTH 101L Dynamic Earth Laboratory (1) (unless ERTH 170 is taken)
- ERTH 200 Geological Inquiry (4) or ERTH 201 Climate Change (3)
- ERTH 303 Natural Hazards and Geomechanics (3)
- ERTH 305 Geological Field Methods (3)
- ERTH 309 Sedimentary Processes and Environments (4)
- ERTH 333 Earth Materials and Structures (4)
- ERTH 410 Undergraduate Seminar (2)
- ERTH 425 Environmental Geochemistry (3)
- ERTH 455 Hydrogeology (4)
- ERTH 461 Geospatial Information (3), or GEO 388 (3), or NREM 477 (4)
- TPSS 304 Soil Science (3)
Upper division science electives (9 credits): Any in ERTH, ATMO, OCN, EPET, and GEO 370, 405, NREM 301, 302, PEPS 451, PLAN 414, POLS 380
Relevant to Environmental Systems: ERTH401 Energy & Mineral Resources, ERTH420 Beaches, Reefs, & Climate Change, ATMO310 Global Climate Change, OCN320 Aquatic Pollution,
GEO305 Water & Society, GEO405 Water in the Environment, GEO410 Human Role in Env. Change, NREM301 Natural Resource Mngmt, NREM302 Natural Resource & Environmental Policy, nREM 461 Soil & Water Conservation, NREM491 Topics in Nat. Resource & Env. Managment, HWST458 Natural Resources & Ethics, HWST 459 Strategies in Hawaiian Resource Use,
PEPS451 Environmental Law, PLAN414 Environmental Hazards & Community Resilience, POLS380 Environmental Law & Politics
Relevant to Natural Hazards: ERTH300 Volcanology, ERTH313 Tectonics & Geodynamics, ERTH451 Earthquakes & Crustal Deformation, ERTH402 Hawaiian Geology, GEO370 AUV & Aerial Photography, PLAN414 Environmental Hazards & Community Resilience
Relevant to Coastal Geology: OCN 201 + lab Science of the Sea, OCN320 Aquatic Pollution, ERTH420 Beaches, Reefs, & Climate Change,
GEO370 AUV & Aerial Photography, NREM301 Natural Resources Management, NREM302 Natural Resource & Environmental Policy, PLAN414 Environmental Hazards & Community Resilience
Relevant to Geotechnical Consulting: ERTH306 Work of Water, ERTH313 Tectonics & Geodynamics, ERTH323 Physics of the Earth & Planets, PEPS451 Environmental Law, PLAN414 Environmental Hazards & Community Resilience
Upper and Lower division electives any topic (30 credits)
Useful links:
Required Core Courses (48-49 credits):
- OEST 100 The College Experience (1)
- ERTH 101 Dynamic Earth (3), or ERTH 102/SUST 113 Introduction to Global Change (3), or 103 Geology of the Hawaiian Islands (3), or ERTH104 Volcanoes in the Sea (3), or ERTH 106 Humans and the Environment (3), or ERTH130 Geologic Hazards(4)
- ERTH 101L Dynamic Earth Laboratory (1) (unless ERTH 170 is taken)
- ERTH 105 Voyage Through the Solar System (3) or ASTRO 110 Survey of Astronomy (3)
- ERTH 200 Geological Inquiry (4) or ERTH 201 Climate Change (3)
- ATMO 101, 101L Introduction to Meteorology (4)
- ATMO 200 Atmospheric Processes and Phenomena (3)
- OCN 201, 201L Science of the Sea (4)
- ERTH 305 Geological Field Methods (3)
- ERTH 333 Earth Materials and Structures (4)
- ERTH 410 Undergraduate Seminar (2)
- OCN 310 Global Environmental Change (3)
- EDEF 310 Education in American Society (3)
- EDEF 311 Introduction to Educational Psychology (3)
- STE 401 Principles and Methods of Literacies... (3)
- STE 402N Teaching Practicum
- STE 440 Curriculum Implications of Multicultural Education (3)
Upper division science electives (9 credits): Any in ERTH, ATMO, OCN, EPET, and GEO 370, 405, NREM 301, 302, PEPS 451, PLAN 414, POLS 380
Upper division electives any topic (6 credits)
Useful links: