A Teachers' Guide to Hawaiian Volcanoes
Stephen Mattox
A Teachers' Guide to the Geology of Hawai'i Volcanoes National
Park is a complete curriculum resource for K-12 teachers interested in
volcanoes and earthquakes. The 391-page guide, developed with a grant from the
National Park Foundation, contains 18 lessons, teacher background, line
masters, 165 activities, and 60 annotated slides. The lessons describe plate
tectonics, hot spots, the location and evolution of Hawaiian volcanoes,
volcanic landforms, kinds of eruptions, volcano monitoring methods, the ongoing
eruption of volcano, volcanic products, the origin of earthquakes, earthquake
magnitude and intensity, and earthquake hazards. The slides are from the photo
archive of the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
The guide is available for $54.95 plus shipping, from the Hawai'i Natural
History Association (808) 967-7604. A 15% discount is available to educational
All profits from the guide go to the Hawai'i Natural History Association to
increase the quality of education in the park. If you have any questions about
this guide, please contact the author at (808) 967-7482.
reprinted from the Hawaii Center for Volcanology Newsletter,
Volume 2, Number 1, December 1994
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