
COURSE HOME PAGE updated weekly during the semester
The purpose of this page is for course participants to access information about reading assignments and other developments as the semester progresses.

Instructor: Ken Rubin
NEW Day, Time: Tu-Th, 3:00-4:20 PM

NEW Place: POST 613

    Fellow Seminarians.... This class will consist of twice-a-week, semi-informal meetings, in which we will discuss various topics of interest to the group. The general subject, geochronological techniques applicable to the Quaternary, will be explored through student-led discussions focused on the scientific literature. Expect to read 1-3 research papers a week. (Discussion leaders' names are given in Bold Text for each reading)
    Reading for each week can be found in a folder outside my office door (POST 606e). Please make a xerox and then return the original to the envelope.

READINGS FOR WEEK 18 (11 - 15 May 1998): Pb-210 and Cs-137 dating of sediments

No class

For Thursday (Geoff)

  1. McMurtry, et al. (1995) Modelling Sediment Accumulation and Soil Erosion with 137Cs and 210Pb in the Ala Wai Canal and Central Honolulu Watershed, Hawaii, Pacific Science, vol 49, 412-451.

Geoff and Ken
READINGS FOR WEEK 17 (4 - 8 May 1998): Pb-210 and Cs-137 dating of sediments

For Tuesday (Geoff)

    Note: items 1 and 2 are clipped together in the folder
  1. Stihler, et.al. (1992) "Varve" counting vs. tephrochronology and 137Cs and 210Pb dating: A comparative test at Skilak Lake, Alaska, Geology, vol. 20, 1019-1022.
  2. Jirikowic and Sonett vs. Stihler, et.al. (1993) "Varve" counting vs. tephrochronology and 137Cs and 210Pb dating: A comparative test at Skilak Lake, Alaska: Comment and Reply Geology, p.763-764.

For Thursday (Ken)

  1. Benoit and Hemond (1991) Evidence for diffusive redistrubition of 210Pb in lake sediments Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol 55, p1963-1975.

READINGS FOR WEEK 16 (27 Apr - 1 May 1998): Pb-210 and Cs-137 dating of sediments

For Tuesday (NO CLASS)

For Thursday (Ken)

  • Appleby and Oldfield (1992) Application of Pb-210 to sedimentation studies. In: "Uranium Series Disequilibrium: Applications to Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences" (2nd edition), Eds: Harmon and Ivanovich, Chapter 21, pp910.
  • Ritchie and McHenry (1990) Application of radioactive fallout cesium-137 for measuring soil erosion and sediment accumulation rates and patterns: A review. J. Environ. Qual., 19, 215-233.

    Jodi and Ken
    READINGS FOR WEEK 15 (20-24 Apr 1998): Amino acid racemization dating

    For Tuesday (Ken)

    1. Bada, Herrmann, Payan and Man (1989), Amino acid racemization in bone and the boiling of the German Emperor Lothar I. Applied Geochemistry, 4, 325-327.
    2. Goodfriend et al. (1997) Variation in amino acid epimerization rates and amino acid composition among shell layers in the bivalve Chione from the Gulf of California, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol 61, p1487-1493.

    For Thursday (Jodi)

    1. Murray-Wallace et al. (1991) Coastal aminostratigraphy of the last interglaciation in Southern Australia, Quaternary research, vol. 35, p63-71.

    Jodi and Ken
    READINGS FOR WEEK 14 (13-17 Apr 1998): Amino acid racemization dating

    For Tuesday (Introductory Lecture)

    1. Smith and Evans (1980), The effects of the structure and conditions on the rate of racemization of free and bound amino acids. In: Biogeochemistry of Amino Acids (Ed: Hare, Hoering, King), pages 257-282.

    For Thursday

    1. Hearty, et al., (1992) Aminostratigraphy and ages of Pleistocene limestones of Bermuda. Geological Society of America Bulletin 104, 471-480.

    Aaron and Pan
    READINGS FOR WEEK 13 (6-10 Apr 1998): Ar-Ar dating of young volcanics

    For Tuesday

    1. Chesner et al. (1991) Eruptive history of Earth's largest Quaternary caldera (Toba, Indonesia) clarified, Geology, vol 19, 200-203.
    2. Duncan and Hogan (1994) Radiometric dating of young MORB using the 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating method GRL, vol 21, 1927-1930.

    For Thursday

    1. Pringle et al. (1992) 40Ar-39Ar dating of Quaternary feldspar: examples from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zaeland Geology, vol 20, 531-534.
    2. Hu et al. (1994) Lasing in the Holocene: extending the 40Ar-39Ar laser probe method into the 14C range EPSL, vol 123, 331-336.

    Aaron and Pan
    READINGS FOR WEEK 12 (30 Mar-3 Apr 1998): K-Ar dating of young volcanics

    For Tuesday

    1. Dalrymple (1967) Potassium-argon ages of recent rhyolites of the Mono and Inyo craters, California, EPSL, vol 3, 289-298.

    For Thursday

    1. Gillot and Cornette (1986) The Cassignol technique for potassium- argon dating, precission and accuracy: examples from the late Pleistocene to recent volcanics from southern Italy, Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section), vol 59, 205-222.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 11 (23-27 Mar 1998): SPRING BREAK

    READINGS FOR WEEK 10 (16-20 Mar 1998): C-14 of Marine Materials continued/ Into to K-Ar and Ar-Ar techniques

    For Tuesday

    1. Edwards et al. paper (see week 9)

    For Thursday

    1. Chapter 10 of Dickin, Radiogenic Isotope Geology (1995) K-Ar and Ar-Ar dating, pages 245-276.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 9 (9-13 Mar 1998): C-14 of Marine Materials
    Note: these reading may spill over into next week

    For Tuesday

    1. Bard (1988) Correction of accelerator mass spectrometry 14C ages measured in planktonic foraminifera: paleoceanographic implications, Paleooceanography 3, 635-645.
    2. Broecker et al. (1988) Comparison between radiocarbon ages obtained on coexisting planktonic foraminifera, Paleoceanography 3, 647-657.
    For Thursday
    1. Broecker et al. (1988) Preliminary estimates for the radiocarbon age of deep water in the glacial ocean, Paleoceanography 3, 659-669.
    2. Edwards et al. (1993). A large drop in atmospheric 14C/12C and reduced melting in the Younger Dryas, documented with 230Th ages of corals. Science, 260, 962-968.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 8 (2-6 Mar 1998): Correcting the C-14 time scale

    For Tuesday

    1. Stuiver, et al., (1991) Climatic, Solar, Oceanic and Geomagnetic influences on Late-Glacial and Holocene Atmosphereic 14C/12C change Quat. Res 35, 1-24.
    For Thursday
    1. Bard et al. (1990). Calibration of the 14C timescale over the past 30,000 years using mass spectrometric U-Th ages from Barbados corals. Nature, 345, 405-410.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 7 (23-27 Feb 1998): C-14 dating of non-marine materials

    1. Dickin: (1995) Radiogenic Isotope Geology Cambridge University Press., Chapter 14, pages 360-372. (Note: the chapter actually goes to page 396 but only pages 360-372 deal with C-14; the rest of the chapter contains info on other cosmogenic nucides that we will probably hit on this semester).
    2. Stuiver, et al., (1978) North American Glacial History Extended to 75,000 yrs ago, Science 200, 16-21.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 6 (16-20 Feb 1998): Th-U, Ra-Th, Pa-U dating of Igneous rocks (external isochron method)

    1. 1. Rubin, KH and Macdougall, JD (1990) Dating of neovolcanic MORB with (226Ra/230Th) disequilibrium, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 101, 313-322.
    2. Goldstein, SJ et al. (1993) 231Pa and 230Th chronology of mid-ocean ridge basalts, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 115, 151-159.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 5 (9-12 Feb 1998): Th-U, Ra-Th dating of Igneous rocks (internal isochron method)

    For Tuesday

    1. Taddeucci et al. (1967) 230Th dating of volcanic rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol 3, 383-342.
    2. Allegre (1968) 230Th dating of volcanic rocks: A comment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol 5, 209-210.
    3. Faure: chapter 21 section 6. pps 377-381
    For Thursday (may spill over into week 6)
    1. Schaefer et al. (1993) Internal 238U-series systematics of pumice from the November 13, 1985, eruption of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol 57 1215-1219.
    2. Volpe (1992) 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibrium systematics in young Mt. Shasta andesites and dacites. J. Volcanology Geothermal Res., vol 53, 227-238.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 4 (2-6 Feb 1998): More Th-U dating of Corals

    1. Gallup et al. (1994) The timing of high sea levels over the past 200,000 years. Science, vol 263, 796-800.
    2. Szabo et al. (1994) Thorium-230 ages of corals and duration of the last interglacial sea-level high stand on Oahu, Hawaii. Science, vol 266, 93-96.
    3. Hamelin et al. (1991). 234U/238U mass spectrometry of corals: How accurate is the U-Th age of the last interglacial period? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol 106, 169-180.
      Note: This paper was moved from last week. It will be discussed on Tuesday

    READINGS FOR WEEK 3 (26-30 Jan 1998): Th-U dating of Corals

    1. Edwards et al. (1986/87). 238U-234U-230Th-232Th systematics and the precise measurement of time over the past 500,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol 81, 175-192.
    2. Faure: chapter 21 sections 2 and 3. pps 368-372.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 2 (19-23 Jan 1998): U-Pb dating

    1. Getty and DePaolo (1995) Quaternary geochronology using the U-Th-Pb method, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol 59, 3267-3272.
    2. Faure: Principles of Isotope Geology, 2nd edition: Chapter 18.

    READINGS FOR WEEK 1 (12-16 Jan 1998):

    1. Faure: Principles of Isotope Geology, 2nd edition: Chapter 4 (p38-55), to refresh yourself on the mathematical relationships employed in geochronology and Chapter 5, for an intro to mass spectrometry (book can be found in the HIG Library).


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    last page update on 10 May 1998